Teenage Love Poems

Poems not simply about young love, or first love, but very specifically about teenage love. The poems deal with both the romantic and the sexual, embracing both the fantasy and the often disappointing reality of being in love as a teenager. For those searching for prurient or sexually explicit poems, our sister erotic poetry website will prove more fertile hunting ground.


A poem about a schoolgirl who is oblivious both to her own beauty and the discombobulating effect it has on her male admirers.

When Did It Happen?

A description of the tranformation from awkward girl to self-assured woman, which may be too quick for the eye to see.

I Never Ever Told You

A passion smolders through childhood into adolescence and beyond, but is never given voice.

Sweet Tooth

The writer's tastes have moved on from the the sweet sixteen year old girl he had been besotted by in his youth.

Lolita’s Slave

A poem about romantic obsession and the spell that some teenage girls cast on their admirers.

I Saw You In A Different Light Today

A young girl undergoes a transformation that turn her from unremarkable teenager to an alluring creature.

Bluebell Girl

A poem of teenage dreams and infatuations which persist into adulthood..

Fille De Papillion

A poem about childhood spent in a rural idyll and a girl's metamorphosis into a beautiful young woman.

When Aunty Ruth Came To Visit

A rather seedy poem, in every sense of the word.

Young Lovers #1

A poem about young love which promises more than it delivers.

I Just Met A Girl Called Maria

A romance between a 14 year old boy and a girl a year his senior is brief, but intense.

Sweet Yvonne

A slow-boiler of a poem, which recounts a relationship which begins with sporting day out.

Oh Clair

A narrative poem about teenage love which plays against the pulsing rhythms of a 10cc number.


A poem about a teenage boy's unrealised passion for a 12 year old brunette.

Drab Doreen

Drab Doreen belies her name for those who trouble to explore further.

Young Lovers #2

A somewhat seedy poem which will resonate with young men the world over.

A Sultry Sensual Summer (A Teenage Girl Unfulfilled)

A poem which turns accepted wisdom about teenage love on its head.


A fantasy becomes reality poem about a young man seduced by a much older woman.