Valentine Poems

A collection of valentines poems for that most romantic of days, the feast of St. Valentine. There are poems of romance and of true love, poems for those in relationships and those in search of love, and to conclude a couple of poems about the sadness of celebrating valentines day when loved-ones have departed. For readers who do not buy into the whole valentines thing, Peculiar Poetry's section of funny valentine poems may help to deflate the hype surrounding this feast of romance and rampant commercialism.


Heartfelt, romantic, tender... It would be tempting (and wrong) to pop it in a valentines card and pretend you wrote it yourself. Wrong, but forgivable!

I Am Definitely Ready To Say It

Making a declaration of your love to one you admire can be daunting, but this young man finds his tongue tied attempts are met by a sympathtic ear.

A Perfect Day

Short and to the point, A Perfect Day describes the harmony that exists between couples who live in a state of romantic equilibrium.

Sweet Love Song

Sweet but not saccharine, a romantic poem to quicken the pulse and lighten the heart.

You Are My Angel

A suitably impenetrable poem in which the angel is of ambiguous form, neither wholly heavenly or earthly.

Sweet Lyrics Of Affection

A heart is won over by the gentle caress of the whispered words of love.

The Seeds Of Love Are Sown

Horticultural metaphors abound in a poem about sowing, nurturing and cultivating the seeds of love to bring them to fruition.

I Count My Blessings

A romantic poem which reaffirms that the value of a relationship depends on friendship as well as love.

It Was More Than That

It was not… is the refrain as the writer explores and in turn rejects the attractions of the one he loves, before reaching a startling conclusion.

When Did Acquaintance

We all accept that there are landmarks which mark the progression of a relationship, but can we identify the moment when we make the dramatic leap from acquaintance to friendship, or from affection to love.

I Draw a Circle

A poem which is as sparkling as it is startling in the simplicity and sincerity of its romantic message.

In The Elastic Time Of Dreams

In that dreamworld full of endless people and possibilities, my thoughts remain true to the one I love.


The awakening of a dormant romantic spirit is related in this uplifting poem of love's fire rekindled.

Was It Destiny?

Does anything really happen by chance? Or is some unseen hand steering us into the path of love?

More Than Ever Now

The repeated titular refrain reminds us of romance that grows and blossoms as a relationship develops.

As We Lay Under The Stars

A slightly more sensual offering which relies on allusion to conjure up a sexual ambiguity.

If Only You Were Here

Offering solace to those separated at Valentine's Day, or indeed any romantically significant event, the poem offers an affirmation of love across the divide the space and time.