Sad Christmas Love Poems

For some Christmas is a time of great sadness, rather than joy. If you've lost a loved one, or split up from a partner, and find yourself lonely and desolate at Christmas, you'll find much to console you in the romantic trials and tribulations of others, which are sensitively portrayed in Paul's collection of sad Christmas love poems.

Christmas Is The Hardest Time

A poem about the overwhelming feeling of loneliness that strikes those who have lost a loved one. Company, friends, family are no consolation when one has lost one's soul mate, with the pain is most acute amid the jollity of Christmas celebrations.

Christmas Folly Revisited

A poem about loss and loneliness at Christmas time which is strangely ambiguous as to whether slipping away means separation or death.

Put Aside Your Sadness

Another sad Christmas poem, although this time with a rather more uplifting message that the company of friends or family can see you through the darkest of days.

Christmas Without Harry

A widow with young children struggles to sustain herself and retain her countenance during a family Christmas without her beloved Harry.

Christmas Folly

Attending a Christmas Eve party, the protagonist feel lost, lonely and regrets the love that he let go.

Sad Christmas

Looking forward to Christmas with a sense of fear and foreboding, the most attractive option is to forego the festivities completely.

Cold Christmas

Vengeful rather than sad, the man dumped on Christmas Eve looks forwarded to a unrestrained, drunken Christmas and wishes his ex all the ill will of the season.

Thinking About Christmas

Self-imposed solitary confinement is the Christmas of choice for the recently bereaved in this poem of loneliness and loss.


Two lovers separated at Christmas are joined as one by the candle burning in a church.

Snowman Blues

A snowman, though magnificent, provides no consolation for the protagonist, who is missing the lover from whom he has split up.

I’m Thinking Of You

A poem about an absent partner who is far away at Christmas fighting for his, or perhaps her, country.

Darling I Love You

A poem of love and indifference, in which dutiful protestation of Darling I love you are greeted with an insouciant response.

The Gift I Most Wanted

The poem expressing regret that dreams of spending Christmases to come with his one true love did not bear fruit.

Lonely Christmas

The absence of a loved one makes the Christmas celebrations impossible to bear, in spite of the support of family and friends.

Missing You

A poem with contemporary relevance, as the absence of a loved one at Christmas is increasingly likely to be the result of military service rather than domestic warfare.

Lonely This Christmas

Some chose solitude at Christmas, but there is nothing more heartrending that those who have it imposed upon them.

In The Bleak Mid Winter

Feeling of desperation and desolation abound in a poem about the loss of a loved one.

Essential Ingredient

Sad rather than tragic, Essential Ingredient is a gloomy reminder that work or family commitments mean many couples have to be apart from some of Christmas day, at least.

Christmas Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

The poem's repeated refrain of Christmas doesn't live here anymore punctuates a desolate poem about bereavement which make a fitting, if bleak, conclusion to Paul's collection of sad love poems.