Contact Details
There may be any number of possible reasons for your contacting the Love Poetry website:
- Complimenting the creator on the elegance of his poems;
- Throwing the electronic equivalent of rotten vegetables;
- Asking for advice or an opinion on your own poetic output;
- Seeking permission to reproduce the poems elsewhere;
- Sending spam, pork luncheon meat or other inedibles;
- Advising of websites passing off the poems as their own;
- Making suggestions as to suitable sites for the links page;
- Offering to contribute your own original poems to the site;
- Submitting the work of others to the site as you own;
- Suggesting ways to improve the website's functionality.
Fire Away
So please feel free to email me at
and I will certainly read, and will endeavour to reply to, all correspondence not written in either green ink, blood
or its electronic equivalent.