Romantic Love Poetry

Paul Curtis writes romantic love poetry which explores the full emotional range of amatory experience: tender, thoughtful poems about the first flowering of love; romantic love poems about falling in love and being in love; sad poems about lost love, the break up of relationships and the death of loved ones; and a few titillating and tantalising erotic poems.

First Love Poems

First love poems are tender, romantic poems about the experience of falling in love for the first time. Whether first love strikes at 6, or 16, or 60, whether first love leads to lasting romance, shattered dreams or thoughts of what might have been, falling in love for the first time is an emotional awakening, a never to be forgotten moment, quite literally a once in a lifetime experience.

Love Poems for Teens

A seletion of poems which focus on love in the teenage years. Paul's teen love poems focus on the romantic and the sensual, embracing both the fantasy and the often disappointing reality of teenage romance.

True Love Poems

A selection of Paul Curtis' poetry about falling in love, being in love and remaining in love. All are uplifting, life-affirming poems which celebrate the wonder and beauty of true love.

Romantic Poems

The romantic poems are less concerned than the love poems with the physical aspects of relationships, focusing more on emotional and cerebral aspects of love and romance. Whether its a lifelong relationship or a fleeting encounter, the complex emotions which consitute love are portrayed with tenderness and honesty.

Long Love Poems

Much as I wanted to call this section long love poems,I was aware that the concept of length can be a subjective. The key to these romantic poems is that, while not epic, they are longer than the average and they tell a story. It may be old fashioned, but there is a definite appeal to narrative poems which have a beginning, a middle and an end, although not neciessarily in the right order!