Unwelcome News

At once she understood
When she heard the words
Their meaning clear
And in that instant
Her voice broke
And then in her throat
A lump formed
Behind her eyes
She felt the stinging
And a tear formed
Then rolled down her cheek
Followed by another
Then another
The salt taste was in her mouth
Her shoulders shook
And her mouth opened wide
But know sound escaped
Tears continued down her cheeks
And her nose
Then her legs buckled
And she fell to her knees
In total despair
Now the sound came
With her love lost
Her heart was broken
With her love betrayed
Her heart was discarded
But with all the weeping
She knew inside
That all her tears
Would never extinguish her love

The Shock of Realisation

A poem of love and death, in which we watch the emotional withering of a woman on hearing of the loss of her partner.


Sad Love Poetry


Sad Poems of Love and Loss

Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved

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