I Was Left Diminished

I was left diminished
When your light went out
It left a shadow on my soul
And my heart was left
As an empty vessel
By your absence

You now walk
In heavens light
Surrounded by Gods love
With angels song
On the scented air

As I sit cold and alone
In the home we shared
A place full of memories
Where once I felt so at home
Now I wish to be there no more
Reminded every waking moment
Of my cruel loss
So I sit alone and crave
The moment of my own passing
So our souls will be reunited
And we can be together once more

Till death us do reunite

It's said that time is a great healer, but many couples share the sentiments expressed in this poem - when one partner dies, the survivor wishes only to be reunited with them in heaven.


Sad Love Poetry


Sad Poems of Love and Loss

Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved

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