On That Beautiful Day in June

On that beautiful day in June
When they played that familiar tune
My heart was filled with happiness
Then I saw you in the big white dress

I stole a sideways glance at you
And found you looking at me too
It was quite goofy we smiled so much
I took your hand and felt your tender touch

Proudly we stood together side by side
As before God the knot was tied
My heart filled again with happiness
As I wed the girl in the big white dress

If pride is a sin then I’ve sinned too much
I’ve felt it when I’ve felt your loving touch
I’ve felt it at our happiest and our saddest
And when I saw you in a maternity dress

Oh how I remember that day in June
When they played that familiar tune
And my heart was filled with happiness
When I saw you in the big white dress

And now as I look back across the years
To the times of laughter and of tears
I’ve never said “I love you” and not felt proud
My dearest one beneath the big white shroud

A Marital Retrospective

A poem which charts the emotional highs and lows of a marriage, from the joy of the wedding day to the utter devastation as the husband sits by the side of his recently departed wife.


Special Love Poems


Poems About Marriage

Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved

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