More Christmas Love Poems

More of Paul Curtis' love poems for the Christmas period, some with the virginal whiteness of the first fall of snow, others as slushy as an unexpected overnight thaw.

I Love Christmas

A touching poem affirming that the essence of the Christmas period is love - love of one's family, friends, but above all one's spouse.

Complete Christmas

For the author, it's the simple things that make Christmas something to be enjoyed, rather than endured.

When Winter Comes

A reluctant romance is expressed through the medium of snow sculpture.

Yuletide Gathering

A poem which begins in stiff formality melts the heart when one discovers that the couple's efforts have been expended to make their baby's first Christmas special.

A Sprig Of Mistletoe

As stolen kiss under the mistletoe seals the romance of Christmas.

My Comfort And Succour

A poem of unrequited love, the pain of which pricks all the harder during the festive season.

Outside It’s Snowing Hard

The writer contemplates a journey through the cold and snow so that he can once again feel the warm embrace of his lover.

Winter Warmer

Enjoy the simple pleasures of winter: battening down the hatches against the weather and cuddling up in front of a well banked fire.


A gently humorous poem about a husband's (or perhaps boyfriend's) resemblance to Father Christmas.

This Wish, I Wish

Awash with wishes, the poem expresses the author's one true desire.


A gently smoldering love poem for Christmas, in which the writer recognises how fortunate he has been to win the heart of the delectable Fiona.

The Gift I Wanted The Most

One of those rare romantic occasions when dreams become reality.

Crimble Loving

A suitably romantic Christmas poem hiding beneath the carapace of a questionable title. .

Christmas Is Our Favourite Celebration

A poem which postulates that Christmas is the special season of love.

The Warm Glow

A wonderfully romantic poem about a couple snuggling up before an open fire on Christmas Eve.

Are You Wearing A Red Christmas Outfit?

A titillating and tantalising poem in which the protagonist gently teases Santa's little helper about her sartorial choices.

What Would I Wish For?

A tongue in cheek poem about what one would wish for at Christmas, if one had a world of choice.

Christmastide Love

A poem to use on Christmas Day to enchant the love of your life.

My Christmas Wish

A tongue-in-cheek poem taking the form of a letter to Santa Claus, in which the author complains his Christmas wishes never come true.